'$cleft' AND cleft<'$cright'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $cleft = $row["cleft"]; echo $name; } function encode($in_str, $charset) { $out_str = $in_str; if ($out_str && $charset) { // define start delimimter, end delimiter and spacer $end = "?="; $start = "=?" . $charset . "?B?"; $spacer = $end . "\r\n " . $start; // determine length of encoded text within chunks // and ensure length is even $length = 90- strlen($start) - strlen($end); $length = floor($length/2) * 2; // encode the string and split it into chunks // with spacers after each chunk $out_str = base64_encode($out_str); $out_str = chunk_split($out_str, $length, $spacer); // remove trailing spacer and // add start and end delimiters $spacer = preg_quote($spacer); $out_str = preg_replace("/" . $spacer . "$/", "", $out_str); $out_str = $start . $out_str . $end; } return $out_str; } function strings_isemail($string) { return preg_match('%[-\\.\\w]+@[-\\w]+(?:\\.[-\\w]+)+%', $string); } function strings_clear($string) { $string = trim($string); $string = stripslashes($string); return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES); } function strings_stripstring($text, $wrap, $length) { $text = preg_replace('%(\\S{'.$wrap.'})%', '\\\\1 ', $text); return substr($text, 0, $length); } function sovp($num) { switch($num%10) { case "1": echo""; break; case "2": echo""; break; case "3": echo""; break; case "4": echo""; break; default: echo""; break; } } ?>
: , 4 2024

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